The Beginner’s Guide to Crafting a Stunning Terrarium in 60 Minutes

Essential Elements for a Thriving Terrarium
Choosing the Right Container

The container is a central feature of your terrarium, setting the stage for
your miniature landscape. A unique vessel, such as a brandy snifter, can add a touch of drama and elegance. When selecting a container, consider its ability to hold soil and retain moisture, but don’t be afraid to think creatively. A clear glass container is typically preferred as it allows for easy viewing of the plants and ensures they receive adequate light.

Plant Selection Strategy

When it comes to choosing plants, aim for an odd number—3, 5, or 7—to create visual interest. Look for a variety of leaf shapes and sizes, mixing slender stalks with fuller foliage. Incorporating different colors can also enhance the overall aesthetic. Arrange your chosen plants side by side to envision how they will complement each other within the terrarium.
Shopping List for Your Terrarium

A distinctive container
An odd number of plants for visual appeal
One bag of high-quality potting soil
One small bag of stones or pebbles for drainage (you can also gather these from your backyard)

Step-by-Step Terrarium Assembly

Begin by placing a one-inch layer of stones at the bottom of your container for drainage.
Add potting soil until the container is about half full.
Carefully remove the plants from their pots and position them in the terrarium, adjusting the arrangement until it’s visua